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While a large percentage of tennis players will suffer from tennis elbow at some point in their career, they only make up a small percentage of all reported cases of tennis elbow. Tennis elbow can strike anyone whose job or activity requires a repetitive motion of the wrist or arm, including painting, plumbing, and using a hammer. It may also be caused by a sudden injury.
Tennis elbow is characterized by a recurring pain on the outside of the elbow that may radiate down the arm, toward the wrist. Pain often occurs when lifting or squeezing an object and is worse when the activity is performed with the elbow extended.
“Tennis elbow is a type of tendinitis where micro tears in the tendon lead to pain,” explains Dr. David M. Auerbach, upper extremity surgeon at Southern California Orthopedic Institute “Before surgery is considered, usually a trial of at least six months of conservative treatment is indicated.”
Conservative treatment should happen in two phases:
Phase I: Pain relief. This may consist of a properly placed forearm brace and modification of elbow activities. If this treatment is not helpful, a cortisone injection may be beneficial to quickly bring down the inflammation.
Phase II: Prevention of recurrence. This phase is equally as important as Phase I and involves stretching, and then later, strengthening exercises. The goal is to get the tendon to function normally so the micro tears will not reoccur in the future.
When conservative treatment has failed, then surgery is indicated. The most popular procedure today is a simple excision of diseased tissue from within the tendon; shaving down a bone spur, if present; and re-attachment of the tendon. This can be performed as an outpatient procedure with regional anesthesia (where only the arm goes to sleep) and through a relatively small incision of approximately 2 inches long. Ninety to ninety-five percent of patients who are treated with this technique are typically able to perform full activities without pain, after a recuperation of two to three months.
If you’re suffering from elbow pain or would like to schedule an appointment with one of the elbow doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute, call (877) 952-8484.
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