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PRP Therapy for a Faster Recovery

You may have heard of professional athletes like Tiger Woods being treated for their injuries with platelet-rich plasma therapy, or PRP therapy. This innovative treatment can benefit people of almost any age, and is now available at Sierra Pacific Orthopaedic & Spine Center. Is it right for you and your injury?

PRP therapy can be used to speed up the recovery process for a number of acute injuries, including sprained ankles or knees. Platelets are very important during recovery because they contain growth factors, which aide in the repair and regeneration of injured tissues.

Dr. Eric Hanson, a sports medicine specialist at Sierra Pacific Orthopaedic & Spine Center, says, “This treatment is very successful on conditions such as arthritis and on acute injuries like strains of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.”

So how is it done? First, a sample of the patient’s blood is taken. That blood is then put into a centrifuge which separates out the platelet-rich plasma. Then the plasma, with its high concentration of platelets, is injected directly into the tissues at the site of the injury, which can then speed up the recovery process.

“This type of treatment can work for chronic tendon problems, but it is also remarkable in how it speeds recovery in acute soft tissue injuries as well,” noted Dr. Hanson.

To find out more about PRP therapy and its benefits, make an appointment today with one of the specialists at Sierra Pacific Orthopaedic & Spine Center by calling (877) 666-6080.


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