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Tips to Stay Fit in 2010

With the New Year here, consider a resolution to stay more active and fit in 2010. Whether it’s competitive sports, recreational activity, or regular cardiovascular exercise and weight training, physical activity benefits your mind and body.

Active people typically experience a longer, healthier life, stronger bones, reduced joint and muscle pain, and slower loss of muscle mass. Additionally, activity often equates to improved mobility and balance, which results in a lower risk of falls and serious injuries like hip fractures.

Activity can entail a number of physically strenuous hobbies or interests, from weightlifting, biking, walking, and team sports to gardening or exercising at home. Whatever activity you choose, remaining active will help to reduce aches and pains later in life. If you have a history of activity-related injuries, see an orthopaedist before exercising or competing.

Jerome R. Dunklin, M.D., a sports medicine specialist at Sierra Pacific Orthopaedic & Spine Center, says to follow these general guidelines for exercising and preventing injuries:

If you have questions regarding your exercise regimen, or would like to re-evaluate a previous injury before starting a new activity, make an appointment with a specialist at Sierra Pacific Orthopaedic & Spine Center. You can do so by visiting our appointment page, or by calling (877) 666-6080.


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