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If you are experiencing pain in your hand or wrist when holding your child, you may be suffering from a condition known as mommy’s thumb. Find out what causes this condition that is becoming increasingly common in American households as well as the treatment suggestions from Southern California Orthopedic Institute.
Formally called deQuervain’s tendonitis, mommy’s thumb is described as tendon inflammation around the area of the thumb and wrist. While the condition is not new, cases of mommy’s thumb could be on a steep rise because of older new mothers, heavier children, and the frequent use of technological devices.
Some experts estimate that anywhere between 25-50 percent of new mothers experience mommy’s thumb. Using too much of the thumb to bear the weight of the child is believed to be one of the culprits. Southern California Orthopedic Institute offers some tips to help prevent mommy’s thumb from occurring.
“If rest and other options don’t relieve the pain, then we can proceed with conservative treatment options such as cortisone injections as well as wrist splints and braces,” says Dr. David M. Auerbach, hand and wrist specialist at Southern California Orthopedic Institute.
Listen to Dr. Auerbach speak about this condition on NBC news by clicking here.
Are you suffering from hand and wrist pain? Take the first step toward pain relief by calling (877) 933-3387 and schedule an appointment with a Southern California Orthopedic Institute expert.
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