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The shoulder and hip specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute shared their knowledge by educating other medical professionals at the Annual Orthopedic Surgery Controversies course in Napa, Calif.
The course, presented by the Southern California Orthopedic Research and Education Center (SCORE) in conjunction with the Sports Clinic, was hosted at the Silverado Resort from October 5-7. This year’s course was designed to educate and provide further knowledge for those in the medical field, using live demonstrations, presentations, hands-on labs, and new technologies. Dr. Mark Getelman, Medical Director of SCORE and Course Chairman, says, “The goal of the Orthopedic Surgery Controversies course is to educate other medical professionals and improve surgical skills and patient care in orthopedics and sports medicine. This year, we were honored to have orthopedic surgeons from around the world, including China, attend.”
Dr. Carlos A. Guanche, the Chairman of the Hip Arthroscopy portion of the Course, Drs. Joseph P. Burns, Stephen J. Snyder, Ronald P. Karzel, and Michael S. Bahk, were instructors for this year’s course, sharing their expertise on shoulder and hip arthroscopy.
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