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A sports injury may take you off the field or court for weeks. Beyond your physical injury, the discouragement of not being able to play may also affect your mood. The doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute say that finding healthy ways to cope with an injury is imperative to both your physical and mental recovery.
“The most important part of mental recovery is staying actively involved in your physical therapy and rehabilitation program,” explains Dr. Mark H. Getelman, sports medicine doctor at Southern California Orthopedic Institute. “Finding new, alternative ways to stay active can help you keep your spirits high.”
Dealing with an injury takes time and patience, but finding alternatives to your typical workout can be simple. Even if one body part is immobilized, you can stay fit while rehabilitating by cross-training. If you’ve injured your foot or ankle, your doctor may recommend staying fit by using a rowing machine or swimming, while an elbow or shoulder injury may still allow you to walk, climb stairs, or use a hands-free stationary bike.
If you have questions about strategies for staying fit and maintaining a positive attitude while you’re recovering from an injury, contact the sports medicine doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute by calling (877) 952-8484.
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