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Most of us remember being tested for scoliosis as a tween; bending at the waist so your gym teacher or school nurse could determine if you had the condition. Approximately 816,000 people in the United States have scoliosis. While most cases are mild and may not even require treatment, severe scoliosis can be debilitating. If you have a child approaching puberty, you should know the warning signs of scoliosis.
The Adam’s Forward Bend test is commonly used to detect scoliosis. Have your child bend forward and dangle their arms. Their feet should be kept together and knees straight. Steven A. Schopler, M.D., who specializes in scoliosis management and treatment at SCOI, provides the following list of common signs that you might see if your child has scoliosis:
The cause of scoliosis is not truly known, although some doctors think it might be somewhat hereditary. Scoliosis starts out as a sideways curvature of the spine. As it progresses, however, the spine may start to rotate or twist as well. This is what causes an unbalanced rib cage. If the twisting is severe enough, it could also cause breathing to become difficult.
If you notice signs of scoliosis in your child, you should consult a physician so that a treatment plan can be put into place. Southern California Orthopedic Institute has a team of physicians that specialize in spinal disorders. To make an appointment with a specialist today, call (877) 933-3387. For more information on scoliosis and treatment options, click here.
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