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Sitting, driving, lifting, and sleeping all have an impact on your posture. Doing any of these with improper form could lead to back pain.
Dr. A. Elizabeth Blozé, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist with Southern California Orthopedic Institute, says, "Spine and neck pain will afflict nearly 80 percent of Americans at some point in their lifetime, and one of the common causes of that pain is undoubtedly poor posture."
To better help you remain aligned, Southern California Orthopedic Institute offers the following tips to improve your posture:
For women in particular, good posture is very important, says Dr. Blozé. Strengthening the core and paraspinal muscles can mean less problematic pregnancies and labor.
For more information on the treatment and prevention of back pain, call Southern California Orthopedic Institute at (877) 933-3387.
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