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According to Southern California Orthopedic Institute spine surgeon Todd D. Moldawer, M.D., “The complexity and mobility of your neck makes it particularly susceptible to pain and injury.”
He continues, “So whiplash, poor posture, and arthritis are among many things that can be a pain in the neck—literally.” The following are some common causes of and treatment options for neck pain.
The neck consists of the upper, or cervical, portion of the spine. It is made up of seven small spinal bones called vertebrae; intervertebral discs that absorb impact between the vertebrae; the spinal cord, nerve roots, and blood vessels; and 32 muscles and ligaments. Dr. Moldawer says, “While probably not as common as lower back pain, chronic or acute neck pain is still widespread.”
Common causes of neck pain and injury include:
Dr. Moldawer points out that neck injuries and strains often result in inflammation. He says, “Inflammation is the body’s natural immune response to injury or infection, which usually involves pain, swelling, redness, and a sensation of heat emanating from the injured area.” Over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it. Ice can help, too, when applied for 15 or 20 minutes at a time at regular intervals.
If pain persists, call Southern California Orthopedic Institute at (877) 952-8484 to set up an appointment with Dr. Moldawer or another orthopedic surgeon who specializes in treating back and neck problems.
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