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Back pain is an extremely common complaint among people of varying ages. While refraining from strenuous activities might be the answer in the short term, when done for more than a few days, it can actually undermine healing. Whether the back pain is acute or chronic, exercise can play an important role in easing your pain.
Strengthening certain muscle groups can help keep your back strong and improve your posture. Some of the most important muscles to focus on are the following:
Make sure that you do not forget to stretch! Practically everyone can benefit from stretching the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your back. In fact, reduced motion in your back and spinal column can worsen the pain; stretching daily will help ensure flexibility in key muscle groups.
If you would like to learn more about back pain or exercises that can help strengthen your back, contact Southern California Orthopedic Institute at (877) 952-8484. Our back and neck specialists can determine the cause of your back pain and recommend a number of treatments, including physical therapy, to get you back to doing what you love most as quickly as possible.
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