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Hip arthroscopy helps people of all ages and activity levels overcome debilitating pain. At Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI), Dr. Carlos Guanche has treated singer Barry Manilow, UCLA basketball star Josh Shipp, and hundreds of others from across Southern California and the nation.
Less invasive than traditional surgery, hip arthroscopy can result in a quicker recovery and return to activity. The procedure is performed through small incisions using a camera to visualize the inside of a joint. Through several small incisions (about 1 centimeter each) a camera is inserted into one incision, and small instruments through the others.
Hip arthroscopy should not be confused with hip replacement surgery. Hip replacement entails the removal and replacement of the arthritic hip joint with an implant, while hip arthroscopy preserves the joint and is used to repair a specific injury such as cartilage damage.
Says Dr. Guanche, “Many people are not aware that cartilage tears in the hip can be treated like those in the shoulder and knee using arthroscopic surgery. This procedure can also successfully relieve pain from loose fragments of cartilage within the joint, impingement, and labral tears.”
Dr. Guanche has extensive training and experience in hip arthroscopy. He has trained and lectured other physicians and medical students world-wide. To make an appointment with Dr. Guanche, call SCOI at (818) 901-6600.
Read about Josh Shipp’s hip injury and recovery.
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