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What’s That Pain in Your Shoulder?

Tendonitis and bursitis in the shoulder are two of the most common orthopedic diagnoses. Learn about them, how they occur, and treatment options for them.

Tendonitis occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed. A tendon connects a muscle to the bone. When the muscle contracts, it pulls the bone through the tendon which can cause friction and irritation.

Bursitis is a painful condition that also results from irritation of a soft tissue. A bursa exists where tendons pass over bones, allowing the tendons to glide smoothly at the point of contact. Like the tendon, the bursa can become inflamed and irritated.

Since the bursa and tendon are in close proximity to each other and often make contact, they can be inflamed simultaneously. Therefore, rotator cuff tendonitis and shoulder bursitis are often used interchangeably.

Says Dr. Robert Gazmarian of Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI), “Tendonitis and bursitis can afflict people of all ages and lifestyles, and can often be linked to overuse. Common causes of these injuries are any activity that requires a repetitive overhead motion, such as painting, playing tennis, and throwing.”

Surgery may be necessary to treat severe inflammatory conditions, but typically it is not required. Nonsurgical options to help reduce the inflammation and relieve pain can include:

Dr. Gazmarian specializes in conservative care of joint pain, including pain related to bursitis and tendonitis. He can be reached at (877) 933-3387.

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