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While the list of advancements in surgical techniques grows, physical therapists in Simi Valley, Van Nuys, and Thousand Oaks are using a newer NONSURGICAL method for soft tissue pain.
The method is ASTYM (pronounced eh-stem, and is short for Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization). Physical therapists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI) use it to alleviate pain before surgery is necessary or to break up scar tissue postsurgery.
ASTYM instruments are used to stroke and stimulate fibroblast cells of the soft tissues for healing of common injuries such as tendonitis, bursitis, tennis elbow, and carpal tunnel. Treatment can be more effective than shock wave therapy, injections, and a traditional massage.
Says Barry Weiss, P.T., “We’ve seen excellent results from this therapy. Even Dr. Richard Spelts, a sports medicine specialist at SCOI, has been treated with ASTYM (for a hamstring injury), which allowed him to resume playing baseball.”
Read more about ASTYM in the Ventura County Star.
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