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Like the hip, knee, back, and ankle, treatment options for the shoulder have advanced in recent years. More orthopedic physicians today are using arthroscopic techniques over traditional open surgery to repair shoulder injuries, and patients are benefiting.
Arthroscopic surgery entails using smaller incisions. It can be used to treat these common shoulder problems: shoulder instability, degenerative conditions, and rotator cuff tears. Shoulder instability often results from a traumatic injury suffered by a younger, active person, while baby boomers and seniors are more likely to sustain a rotator cuff tear that can result from wear and tear.
Smaller incisions mean less tissue is damaged during the surgery. This can result in quicker recovery time, less post-operative pain, and less scarring. Results of patients who have undergone arthroscopic surgery have proven as successful or better than traditional open shoulder surgery.
Before surgery is considered, conservative treatment options are explored first when evaluating a shoulder injury. But if surgery is necessary, arthroscopic techniques should be discussed with your orthopedic physician as an option. Shoulder specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI) are Drs. Todd Shapiro, Mark Schamblin, and Christopher Hamilton.
Contact SCOI at (877) 933-3387.
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