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Artificial Disc Offers Back Pain Relief

The lower back is one of the most common sources of pain. While exercise and nonsurgical therapy can help in most cases, sometimes surgery is necessary to treat the pain. One option for treating degenerative disc disease (a common cause of lower back pain) is artificial disc replacement surgery, which spine specialists at Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI) perform.

Artificial disc replacement surgery entails replacing a worn or damaged spinal disc with an artificial disc implant, made up of a plastic core sandwiched between two metal endplates. The disc can help relieve pain and restore a person’s mobility and flexibility.

Dr. Brian Grossman, a spine surgeon at SCOI, is trained and performs artificial disc replacement of the lumbar (lower) and cervical (upper) areas of the spine.

“Artificial disc replacement is designed to relieve pain and restore flexibility in the joint, much like artificial knee and hip implants,” says Dr. Grossman.

The artificial disc is an alternative to spinal fusion and is considered only after conservative treatment methods have been explored. Fusion is a traditional treatment for back pain, but it can limit normal motion and flexibility. In addition to relieving back pain and preserving flexibility, clinical trials show that the artificial disc can help patients return to work and an active lifestyle sooner.

Read more about Dr. Grossman.

Contact SCOI at (877) 933-3387.

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