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Dr. Steven A. Schopler was recently honored with an award from his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Schopler, a spine specialist at Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI), received a Distinguished Achievement Award from the College of Engineering.
After attaining his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from UW – Madison, Schopler went on to complete medical school there as well. He uses his engineering and medical training to develop new equipment and techniques in the world of orthopedics.
Focusing on spinal reconstructive surgery, scoliosis, and pediatric orthopedics, Schopler is able to bridge the gap between engineering and orthopedics on a regular basis. “Knowledge of biomechanics and engineering has served me well in the evolving fields of orthopedics and spinal surgery,” says Schopler. “I am honored to receive such an award.”Send this Article to a Friend