Issue #20     f   Twitter

Sierra Pacific Orthopedics

Reduce Back Pain While Getting Better ZZZZs

For people who suffer from back pain, finding the most comfortable sleeping position can be difficult. Based on the type of back or neck pain you’re experiencing, the experts at the Spine Center at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics suggest following these guidelines to find the most comfortable sleeping position for your back or neck discomfort.

Osteoarthritis is the breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage between the bones in the joints. Patients with osteoarthritis may prefer to sleep on their sides with their legs curled up (the fetal position). This alleviates pressure and opens up the spine.

Degenerative Disc Disease
As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate. This leads to loss of fluid in the discs, the cushioned area between the vertebrae, which reduces the ability of the discs to act as shock absorbers. Patients with degenerative disc disease often prefer to sleep on their stomachs to relieve pressure on the disc space. Usually a firmer mattress is best for patients with degenerative disc disease.

Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord and the spinal nerve’s roots. This can lead to pain or even numbness in the legs. People with spinal stenosis should consider sleeping in the fetal position or in an adjustable bed that allows the head and knees to be elevated. This relieves pressure on the spinal nerves.

Hip Pain
When patients have hip pain, the best sleeping position is on their sides with a pillow between their knees. This decreases stress across the hip area.

Herniated Lumbar Disc
Depending on which disc is herniated, patients with herniated lumbar discs are advised to lie on their stomachs or sleep in the fetal position.

“Though preferences may differ depending on the cause of pain, for most patients suffering from neck or back pain, placing pillows under the knees or lower back can be successful in alleviating pain and pressure while sleeping,” explains Dr. Jerry N. Smith, spine specialist at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics.

For more information about back pain or to schedule an appointment with a spine specialist, contact the doctors at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics by calling (877) 666-6080.

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