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Don’t Let Frozen Shoulder Freeze Your Lifestyle

Frozen shoulder is a condition of stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion due to a soft tissue contracture. The condition generally affects middle-aged adults and can be associated with rotator cuff tears and degenerative arthritis, as well as other medical conditions such as diabetes.

Well directed physical therapy and a home exercise program of stretching is the cornerstone of treatment. Other treatment options such as cortisone injections, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory medication, and chiropractic care.

In some cases, manipulation under anesthesia or surgery will be necessary to release a frozen shoulder. Once treatment has been completed, it is important to maintain a good exercise regiment to keep your shoulder mobile and pain-free.

“Keeping a good exercise program as part of your lifestyle can help ensure that your shoulder maintains its full range of motion,” says Dr. Christopher Hamilton, shoulder specialist at Southern California Orthopedic Institute. “This is even more important after undergoing a procedure because frozen shoulder can often times occur during the recovery period.”

To learn more about conditions of the shoulder, visit our shoulder page online, or call to schedule an appointment at (877) 933-3387.

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