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Though it may seem harmless, the long periods of time you spend bending forward to read, play games, or work on a smart phone, e-reader, or tablet device can have serious effects on the cartilage and tissue within your back, neck, and upper spine.
Recent studies show that more than half of all mobile phone users suffer numbness or neck aches. Dr. Babak Barcohana, spine doctor at Southern California Orthopedic Institute, says the aches and pains are likely caused by an extended strain on the cervical spine.
“You may experience a pinch in your spinal nerves if you spend an extended stretch of time looking down at your phone or slouching on the couch to read a tablet,” Dr. Barcohana explains. “An injury of this type typically results in numbness, tingling, and weakness in your neck and upper spine.”
People who spend more time on their devices may experience more severe symptoms. The back, neck, and spine doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute recommend following these guidelines to avoid neck and back pain:
If you’re experiencing back or neck pain, call (877) 952-8484 to schedule an appointment with one of the spine doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute. For additional health, wellness, and injury prevention tips, “like” Southern California Orthopedic Institute on Facebook and follow @SCOIOrthoNews on Twitter.
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