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Maintaining a healthy weight and activity level keeps your muscles strong and can prevent you from needing to undergo a joint replacement procedure. It’s also important to perform strength training exercises on a regular basis to improve your strength, decrease your risk of osteoporosis, reduce your arthritis pain, and improve your overall health.
“In addition to increasing muscle strength, performing strength training exercises on a regular basis also helps strengthen connective tissues and increase joint stability, resulting in a reduced injury risk and easing your arthritis pain,” explains Dr. Robert Gazmarian, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor at Southern California Orthopedic Institute.
With proper instruction and a few dumbbells, you can get an excellent workout when training with weights. Exercising in this way stimulates bone health and strengthens muscles, but it is important to use proper form when lifting so you do not worsen your condition or pull a muscle.
For more information on coping with arthritic symptoms or to schedule an appointment, contact the doctors at Southern California Orthopedic Institute today by calling (877) 952-8484. “Like” Southern California Orthopedic Institute on Facebook and follow @SCOIOrthoNews on Twitter for additional exercise and wellness tips!
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