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Dr. Mark Getelman, a shoulder, knee, and sports medicine specialist at Southern California Orthopedic Institute, has been selected to illustrate to and inform viewers via Web cast on repairing shoulder instability.
A Web cast is an informational video that online users can view on a Web site. Dr. Getelman’s Web cast will be shown live May 5 from 5 to 6 p.m. on the DePuy Mitek Web site, and the link will be available to click on after May 5. Dr. Getelman is a consultant for DePuy Mitek, a leading manufacturer of orthopedic joint implants and instruments.
The Web cast will include video of Dr. Getelman performing shoulder surgery while he moderates. The surgery will be an arthroscopic procedure to repair a patient’s shoulder.
Treatment options of the shoulder have advanced in recent years, with more orthopedic physicians like Dr. Getelman using arthroscopic techniques over traditional open surgery to repair shoulder injuries or diseases.
Arthroscopic surgery entails using smaller incisions. It can be used to treat common shoulder problems such as shoulder instability, degenerative conditions, and rotator cuff tears. Smaller incisions can result in less tissue trauma, quicker recovery times, and less post-operative pain.
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