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Don’t Take Back Pain Lying Down

Four out of five people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives brought on by activity at work, home, or in sports. However, you can take action to prevent or minimize back pain and the disability that comes with it.

Back problems are often linked to jobs that require heavy lifting, causing excessive stress on muscles, ligaments, and the spine. But numerous factors can contribute to an ailing back, such as poor posture, age, arthritis, and simply bending or reaching for something.

Keep these guidelines in mind to fend off back pain:

Conservative treatments can often help patients overcome or cope with back problems. Acupuncture, for example, can help relieve chronic back pain when used in conjunction with other conventional treatment methods. If conservative methods don’t work, surgery is sometimes necessary. Advancements in spine surgery, including minimally invasive techniques, can result in less down time and a quicker return to an active lifestyle.

If you have back pain, contact Southern California Orthopedic Institute (877) 952-8484.

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