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Coping With a Sports Injury

Experiencing a sports injury is frustrating and challenging to overcome. But understanding what happened, your treatment options, and maintaining a positive attitude while achieving your goals to recovery, can make the healing time move a little faster.

From teens to adults, the emotions felt after experiencing a sports injury can make a difficult situation much worse. Avoid that by creating a coping plan that will help you achieve your goals and get you back in the game.

Accept your injury – Although the injury may not be your fault, accepting that it has occurred will allow you to focus more on your recovery, rather than dwelling on the activities you can no longer do as a result.

Monitor your attitude – Sustaining a positive attitude about your recovery and rehabilitation will allow you to remain focused on the tasks at hand and overcome your injury.

Learn about your injury and recovery – Learn as much as possible about your injury from those around you. Consider asking the following questions to avoid fear or anxiety about your recovery.

Set recovery goals – View your injury as a training challenge and set realistic goals that will help you recover faster and stronger. Setting goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

Maintain your fitness level – With your physician and trainer, determine if there are alternative forms of training that will help you maintain cardiovascular health and strength. If your options for fitness alternatives are limited, consider better nutritional health instead.

For more information about sports injuries or treatment, visit Southern California Orthopedic Institute online or call (877) 952-8484.

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