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Shoot for Safety This Basketball Season

Basketball is an exciting sport that requires players to jump, cut, and move quickly. Because of that rapid movement, ankle and knee injuries tend to be the most common injuries that basketball players experience. Ankle sprains and ligament tears in the knees are especially common in sports that require stopping and starting or quickly changing directions.

“Strengthening the muscles that surround the knees through conditioning exercises can decrease your chances of sustaining a ligament tear,” explains Dr. James F. Watt, sports medicine doctor at Orthopaedic Associates. “Meanwhile, wearing tight-fitting shoes will protect your feet and ankles, preventing sprains.”

To further decrease your chances of suffering a knee or ankle injury, ensure the court surface is dry and free of debris. You should also choose footwear with soles conducive to basketball floor surfaces and practice safe landing techniques.

If you have questions about an ankle or knee injury or would like to schedule an appointment with a sports medicine doctor at Orthopaedic Associates, call (850) 316-8066 or click here to request an appointment online.

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