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Surgery Advancements Allow for Partial Joint Removal, Improved Recovery

A partial knee replacement provides patients with a more natural-feeling knee than a total knee replacement by allowing a patient’s healthy bones, cartilage, and ligaments to remain intact. Dr. Theodore I. Macey and Dr. Mark J. Tenholder, knee surgeons at Orthopaedic Associates are the only doctors in the region providing partial, or unicompartmental, knee replacements using a customized, patient-specific approach.

“Patients who undergo a partial, or unicompartmental, knee replacement experience quicker recoveries and less pain than those who undergo a total knee replacement,” Dr. Macey explains. “Patients also have the ability to bend their knee shortly after the surgery.”

For 66-year-old Santa Rosa Beach resident Joe Barocco, pain related to knee arthritis had begun to affect his daily life.

“I had been playing golf at least three times a week, bowling, and walking regularly,” Barocco says. “But my knee pain was really slowing me down.”

Barocco’s X-rays showed that only parts of his knee had been damaged by arthritis, so Orthopaedic Associates’ knee surgeon Dr. Mark J. Tenholder recommended a partial knee replacement to repair the damaged areas, leaving Barocco’s healthy bone and cartilage in place.

“This procedure provided Joe with a smooth return to his active lifestyle,” Dr. Tenholder says. “He returned to the golf course just six weeks out of surgery and hasn’t experienced any of the pain he had grown accustomed to.”

To learn more about partial knee replacement or to schedule an appointment with one of the knee doctors at Orthopaedic Associates, call (850) 316-8066. If you have recently undergone a joint replacement procedure, click here to share your story.

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